Board Meetings
Glebe BIA 2025 Board Meetings
The Glebe BIA hosts its Board Meetings the second Tuesday of every other month, other than July. If you are a member of the Glebe BIA and are interested in attending, please email
City of Ottawa
Visit the City of Ottawa website to report a 3-1-1, learn about the various programs, see waste collection calendar, get to know Ottawa City Councillors, and more!
Capital Ward City Councillor
Shawn Menard is the City Councillor of Ward 17 Capital, he also sits on the Glebe BIA Board of Directors. As a Councillor, serving constituents and ensuring the City is a compassionate, just, sustainable, and equity focused government is top of mind for Shawn. To contact the office of Shawn Menard, please email
Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group
GNAG is a vibrant community hub in the Glebe, Ottawa, that works to enrich the community by delivering recreational, cultural, and social activities and services.
Glebe Community Association
The Glebe Community Association (GCA) is a volunteer, non-profit, membership-based and City-recognized organization advocating for the liveable, sustainable, diverse urban neighbourhood. The GCA informs, consults, and engages with residents and other groups in the Glebe on issues of importance and promotes the interests of the community with all levels of government and other organizations.
TD Place | Lansdowne Live
The Glebe’s very own events hub and Ottawa’s entertainment destination! Lansdowne includes event spaces such as the TD Place Arena, The Stadium at TD Place, The Great Lawn, Aberdeen Pavilion, the Horticulture Building, and more.