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Family Roller Skating | Patinage à roulettes pour la famille

Aberdeen Pavilion 1000 Exhibition Way, Ottawa

Warm up with a retro roller disco in the Aberdeen Pavilion! Family-friendly with quad skate rentals available in advance from the Ottawa Quad Rollerskating Club. Réchauffez-vous dans le pavillon Aberdeen en faisant un saut dans le temps pour revivre la

Community Winter Pentathlon | Pentathlon d’hiver communautaire

Lansdowne Park 1525 Princess Patricia Way, Ottawa

Let’s celebrate Heart Month! In collaboration with Happiness Habits 613 and the Heart Institute Foundation, the community is invited to embrace winter with five fun, free sessions that will have participants laughing, sweating and smiling. Célébrons le Mois du cœur!

Beading Workshop at Beandigen Cafe / Atelier de perlage au Beandigen Café

Beandigen Cafe 900 Exhibition Way, UNit 106, Ottawa

Beading Workshop at Beandigen Cafe Back for a second year, stop in at Beandigen, an Anishinaabe owned and operated café in the Glebe, to participate in a beading workshop led by resident beader, jayde. jayde will lead you in the