Little Victories Coffee - The Glebe BIA

Little Victories Coffee

Little Victories Coffee is a small, independent specialty coffee roaster based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada that is owned and operated by two coffee professionals – one roaster and one barista. We are dedicated to elevating the coffee culture in Ottawa and contributing to the bustling Canadian coffee scene. The company was started by two longtime friends who shared a passion for coffee and who wanted to improve the quality of coffee for people in Ottawa. Jeremie Thompson has been a barista, manager, and master roaster in the Ottawa area for over 10 years. He has helped start cafés in Ottawa, travelled to Central and South America on sourcing trips while training farmers in these regions about roasting practices, and is a certified master roaster and espresso technician. He met Andrew Bassett while working as a coffee roaster, and they developed a close friendship. Andrew was a young barista and over the course of many years, Jeremie taught him about the coffee scene, and how to improve his skills as a barista.

When it came time for Andrew to move on, he travelled to Melbourne, Australia where he continued to grow his skills as a barista. While working in Melbourne his skills grew exponentially, and he realised how much of a gap in quality there was between the leader in the coffee industry, and his home city, Ottawa. He contacted Jeremie with an idea, and the two began brainstorming.

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