Glebe Dental Centre - The Glebe BIA

Glebe Dental Centre

We are an experienced and caring dental team that is always eager to offer you the best possible treatment options. We offer a wide array of services and work in conjunction with dedicated specialists throughout the city to ensure treatment success.
We are proud to have been a part of the Glebe community since 1985. I am a fourth generation Ottawa native graduating from the University of Ottawa in biology before studying dentistry at Laval University in Quebec City. After working for six years in British Columbia I joined the Glebe Dental Centre in 1998. The Glebe is such a terrific neighborhood that I’ve chosen to live here as well as work. I really enjoy my interactions with patients either professionally or at the grocery store, school yard, or football field. In many ways it reminds me of my time in the small communities of the BC coast where work and play go hand in hand. Member of the Ottawa Dental Society, Ontario Dental Association, and Canadian Dental Association. -Pierre Isabelle “

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