Earth Day Cleanup in the Glebe - The Glebe BIA

Earth Day Cleanup in the Glebe

April 28, 2023

On Friday, April 21, the Glebe BIA, along with community volunteers, took to Bank Street to pick up its litter! In honour of Earth Day on Saturday, April 22, the Glebe BIA wanted to do something that would contribute to a cleaner and greener neighbourhood.


Cleaning the Capital is a City of Ottawa initiative that encourages community groups throughout Ottawa to participate in a city-wide cleanup every spring and fall. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Cleaning the Capital campaign, and it is estimated that over one million kilograms of waste have been removed by more than 1.4 million volunteers since the campaign began in 1994.

The Glebe BIA is incredibly grateful for the wonderful volunteers who participated in the cleanup this year! Five members of the Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group came out and hit to the streets to pick up waste. After only one hour, our small group of eight volunteers were able to collect over nine bags of garbage - and this was just along Bank Street within Glebe borders!

One of our community partners, the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group, also participated in the Cleaning the Capital program on Friday, April 21. OSEG had a great turn out, with twenty staff members, six REDBLACKS players, and eight Waste Management staff participating in the cleanup. This group spread out to five different nearby locations and worked together to pick up litter. Thank you all!

As an organization, we hope to continue participating in this amazing initiative moving forward! Keeping our community clean and city beautiful is a civic responsibility we are happy to participate in, especially when it benefits the environment!